EMP-294: Aster (Almu)

Owned by Emizu_TH
  • Name
  • Shape
    kangaroo mouse
  • Rank
    Performer in the Trinsette Bouquet Entertainment House
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
Almu, real name Aster, is a feminine-looking grifix who currently works under Trinisette Bouquet as a performer. They are often requested to perform individually by other grifixes, not by their dancing skills, but more on the information. This grifix is the middleman  or middle-grifix in this case) of some of the illegal tradings in the empire. Other than that, after work, she is a full-on taxidermy collector. Her favorites are butterflies taxidermy which is encased in gems. Sometimes, the "jewels" on her performer dress are replaced with a few of her wearable collections. But who knew where her taxidermy samples come from? The only guess is from the miner's guild, but her relations with the tradings might prove otherwise. Information is worth more than money, so to her, the collection might serve only as proof of credibility and trust.