EMP-322: Crystal Iceshard

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
    Arctic Kitsune
  • Rank
    The Swan Palace Entertainer Lead Dancer
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Birthday
    June 2
  • Nickname

Crystal is one of the popular entertainers of the house, Crystal always having the talent of doing remarkable tricks and stunts on her own or with a group of ice skaters. She does solo dances and group dances of the most popular stories and fables of the empire. She skates around gracefully and flies high when she jumps and spins around. She loves to go scaring on a pond when it’s frozen over during the very cold days to practice her original moves and stories. Crystal also uses her magic to form ice shards around herself while she is dancing and in her free time she likes to sculpt out different shapes to choose what shape is best for each performance. She gets along with everyone very well, but if someone is rude to her she will snap, but would never harm another grifix. Her Sphirix helps her calm down whenever she needs help, Winter also dances with her as well when she does her performances, but of course no other grifix can see another grifix’s sphirix. Zima only dances with her during solo performances though.