EMP-323: Rosie Petals

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
    Red panda
  • Rank
    Herbalists Guild
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Birthday
    June 2
  • Nickname
    Rosepetal, Rose, Rosebud
Rosie is a very nice grifix but gets moody when anyone messes with her research or studies. If one thing of paper with research is on it she will flip out and ask who messed up her paperwork. She’s always a bit tired whenever this happens where papers go missing and her working her butt off. She is very well knowledgeable in flowers, especially roses. She works with the different flowers to figure out if they can be eaten and used in different food dishes. Most of the time she is brought back different plants to research and test out to make sure they wouldn’t be poisonous to eat. During her free time she likes to go on walks and try to make friends is she can. She also loves to plant her own flower garden by her work station in the greenhouse.
She is the sister of Arson Rose. The two of them were born in an entertainment house, from an entertainer mother who never claimed them. The house mother took care of them for the sole purpose of making them future entertainers, but as children are not too welcome in entertainment houses she happily sold the two to Tomoe when he expressed the intent to purchase the two.  Arson was too old and already known to have been working as an entertainer in a guild, even if she was just a child, so she never got a chance to get out. Rosie was young enough to not be recognized and after working a bit as a Koinobori, Tomoe managed to find her a place to work in the Herbalists Guild, because nobody knew about her past. 
She now rarely gets to see her sister, cause it would be susspicious if anybody were to ever see them together, but sometimes Tomoe brings the two to meet in some dark alleyway.