EMP-327: Adalinda

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
    Asian Dragon
  • Rank
    Fafnir's Treasure Entertainment House bartender
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Birthday
    December 20
  • Nickname
    Ada, Dali, Linda

Adalinda works at a bar in the gambling house, very strict about her bar and makes sure it’s in working order. She loves the make the alcoholic beverage so she can sneak in little flavors into it. She works on perfecting her drinks on the menu on free time, or she goes gambling and always has tricks up her sleeve in order to sometimes cheat and win. She is nice when not working, but touch her kimono and mask and she will absolutely freak out. Her sphirix Raikou likes to walk around her while she is working behind the bar, wrapping his tail or body around her like a boa scarf or just like how a snake would wrap around your body. He likes to rest his dragon head on her head which is a cute thing Raikou does besides wrap around her and be her closest friend and point his tail at different things to put in new drinks.