EMP-331: Marina

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Birthday
    August 3
  • Nickname
    Mari, Rina

Marina got her name from her mane looking like the colors of the ocean. Marina specializes in silk and gown making. She takes her designs to the headmaster to see if the designs can be done, if so she makes them and takes them back to show the final designs. She sometimes works with gold as well, asking the headmaster if she can use gold for certain pieces of her work. She also makes outfits for other guilds such as the entertainment guild if they request certain things and the guild can afford it. She is very quiet and focuses on her work a lot to keep her mind off of things around her she doesn’t like, her Sphirix sometimes going and sitting on her head and the tentacles dangling over her head to look like a hat. She has no lover due to always working and never getting a chance to be able to go out sometimes because she’s always so focused on work.