EMP-359: Arson Rose (Rose)

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Naisuke Ga Fuchi entertainer
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive

Rose is one of the oldest members of Naisuke Ga Fuchi. She is younger than Tomoe, but old enough to have been an entertainer since before the house was founded by him. She is the first entertainer that joined his house, and therefore she's like an older sister to everyone else, regardless of their age. She is very protective of everyone in the guild and will beat up anyone that might hurt or disrespect other entertainers, especially Koi-Kodomo which she is the most protective of.

She does the usual job of an entertainer, but often she is uncomfortable having individual meetings with customers within the Naisuke Ga Fuchi walls, for she doesn't want the Koi-Kodomo to hear anything by chance. So she often rents a room at Yokai No Ie for a portion of her payment and takes her customers there instead. She was a member of Yokai No Ie for a brief period before meeting Tomoe so she is familiar with the place and knows many of the older members of the house, including Akuma and Angelfox, whom she is a very good friend with. She is quite close to Angelfox and sometimes just goes there to hang out with her.

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