EMP-368: Ash Rain

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
    Banggai cardinalfish
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive

Ash Rain is the cousin by mother of Muddy Rain and Stellar Dust. She is one of the most popular tailors in the guild and has a workshop with many assistants that work for her. In the tailors guild, not all tailors design their works, but they are all able to tailor anything. Some of them, however, prefer designing and so they work tohgether with other grifix that prefer tailoring so they can focus on creating the beautiful designs while others do the stitching. (They are basically fashion designers, but that is not a term grifix know of, nor do they consider themselves to have a different rank than tailors)

Ash Rain spends most of her time drawing and designing clothes, but she's not afraid to get her paws poked by a needle. Most of the time her assistants measure and talk to the customers, but when it comes to an important customer she will make sure that she's the one doing everything to get to know them as well as possible in order to make the most fitting piece of clothing for them.

She is the oldest out of her cousins. She likes drinking tea with the Guild Headmaster, but other than that she doesn't mendle too much with those at the top of the guild: she's interested more in her work than in the community, unlike Stellar Dust. Muddy Rain works sometimes as her assistant, but she's very anxious all the time which sort of pisses Ash Rain off cause it doesn't really work with the work setting in her workshop, so they only work together occasionaly.

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