EMP-445: Prism Everlight

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
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  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive

Prism Everlight is a seamstress in the Tailors guild. She grew up in a house right on the border of the Guild's Neighbourhood, the windows of her house facing away, towards the Entertainment District. She remembered staring outside the windows towards the colourful lights of the evening, slowly turning red after the Sunset. She often saw the beautifully dressed entertainers walk around, and she remembered her awe when they walked through the door of her parents' workshop to get their measurements done. She never understood why the adults looked down on those beautiful grifix. 

Her parents broke up when she was young, and her mother left the house. Prism never saw her again. Her father told her when she was older, that her mother left the Tailors District, and he knows not where she's gone.

Prism inherited the workshop after her father's passing, and she loved tailoring dresses for entertainers. One night, she heard a knock on her door and when she opened it she found two Entertainer mares with a baby. One was crying, while the other was gently comforting her. The crying mare pushed the baby in Prism's paws and begged her to take it under her wing, then fled before Prism could even reply. 

Having no other choice, Prism raised the baby, who grew up to become a beautiful mare, whom she named Moon Zenith. Now she has children of her own, Starling Dust and Star Ray. Prism, however, never told Moon Zenith where she came from, for that would tarnish Zenith's reputation and could ruin her and her children's lives. 

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Prism's mother struggled with a heavy depression caused by the symptoms caused by laying an egg. The egg would suck up her magic and she felt sick most of the time. She started unwillingly blaming her husband and the egg for it, and against her will, she started hating her family. She felt immense guilt for it, which made her hate herself as well. Trying to battle those feelings, she would flee to the Entertainment District and drown herself in alcohol. After she found out that she made an egg with one for the entertainer mares there, she couldn't bear it anymore. She fell ill for two years, then tried to get on the right path with her family, but she was still battling immense guilt and self hatred. When her daughter was 4, she left her home and her trace was lost.

Her other child was born in the entertainment guild a few months after Prism. Her name was Crane Shimmer. She had two children, Moon Zenith and Dakki Yoko.


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