EMP-451: Aqualina

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
    Umi Inu
  • Rank
    Kraken’s Lure Entertainment House Lead Siren
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Nickname
    Aqua, Alina
  • Birthday
    June 12th
Some grifix are just born to sing, and Aqualina is one of them. She is the most skilled siren out of all of the sirens in the house, not actually being born into the house. She was born into the Watasumi House, being extremely close friends with Mystic Waters and always has been till this very day. They basically act like sisters, but from different houses now thanks to Mystic and Kai’s advice to Aqualina.
Aqualina was always an extremely shy grifix when she was very young, having a lot of social anxiety and always feeling like she just sometimes didn’t fit in with the other swimmers. She always learned faster than anyone, but sometimes got bullied because other grifix called her a ‘show off’, even though she wasn’t ever trying to show off to anyone. When it came time for big performances, she had always been chosen to swim with Mystic and the very skilled dancers, being honored to be a part of that group. Even then she still got picked on for it, always ended up crying and running to her room every night after a performance.
One night while she was crying, she was sitting in her room and using her gem magic to brush her long hair while looking into the mirror. “Why do I get treated like this.. I don’t do anything wrong..” she said with a sniffle as her sphirix Tidalwave came over and wrapped around her to give her a hug, Tidewave always being a being that comforted her. Now Aqualina has always sang in secret, meaning only in her room or down by the water tank when everyone is asleep. She decided to leave her room that night and head downstairs towards the water tank, going and sitting by the water and looking at it as she started singing to herself, her gems started to glow from how much emotion she was putting into her song, mainly her forehead gem. As she was singing she suddenly snapped her eyes open  towards the tank and saw so many creatures swimming directly towards her and listening to her.. but sometimes felt kinda.. off? 
When she would stop singing the creatures seemed to look confused as to why they were all in one big group and staring at her, Aqualina tilting her head in confusion. Why were all these animals coming towards her while she sang, it was like.. she was luring them. This was the first time this has ever happened before to her, so it kinda scared her. She watched as the creatures swam away before she started to sing again just to try something out, but this time none of them came towards her. Was it her emotions? Her magic? She was utterly confused. She decided to stand up and fly up into the water and float there, starting to think about something that made her upset or depressed, putting all her emotions into it as she started to sing once more, and all the creatures snapped around and came towards her as her forehead gem glowed, the rims of her eyes, and her tattoo like marking began to glow. It was her magic that was being enhanced by her emotions and vocal range.
“Why am I down here?” A few voices said down below her as Aqualina stopped singing and everything on her body stopped glowing, looking down and seeing a group of entertainers standing around the water tank. “Is my voice that powerful?” She said to herself as she swam down and got out of the water, standing there as the group of entertainers looked at her and started to yell at her for waking them up and luring them out of their rooms and down to where she was at somehow, it making her crouch down and shake in fear as they continued to yell at her before a huge wave of water came crashing down onto everyone. “Enough!” A female voice said as Mystic Waters and Kai came towards Aqualina. “Everyone back to their rooms, we have some things to discuss here.” Kai ordered as everyone left and left the three alone, Mystic helping Aqualina to her feet.
The two led Aqualina to Kai’s private chambers where he kept all his belongings involving his house, no one usually came into this room except if they were being promoted.. or being removed from the house. “Have a seat.” Kai said as he sat down in his chair and Mystic sat beside Aqualina, Aqualina looking scared. “You don’t need to be scared, Aqualina, you aren’t in trouble.” He said as Aqualina started to calm down, Kai looking at Mystic who started to speak. “We saw what happened, and we suspected that this was something that was going to happen. We’ve heard you singing in your room many times, your range is something we’ve never heard before. We know your father was from this house, but your mother was actually originally from the House of Vanity.”
Aqualina never knew this about her mother because her father always told her her mother always refused to sing, saying something happened and she was scared to ever sing again. Her mother had made herself mute after what happened and never speaks anymore, only to certain grifix but her voice is very raspy. “We think you might fit into a better house than ours, and with a little help of controlling your magic, you just might be able to make sure that what happened in the past, never reoccurs again.” Kai said as a knock at the door was heard, Kai using his forehead gem to open the door and a big female grifix walked in.. Madame Thalassa.
“Wh-What is she doing here..?” Aqualina asked as she knew what Thalassa did in the Watasumi House before becoming the house mother to her own house, most entertainers from Watasumi being frightened of her because of what happened. Aqualina had been at the performance when Thalassa’s magic went out of control, only being a cub back then though. “Don’t be afraid, Aqualina. My magic has been under control for many years now, I will not hurt you.” Madame Thalassa said as Aqualina saw the softness in her eyes now, nodding. “We asked her to come because we think you’d be best to be..a siren.” Mystic said as Aqualina was a little nervous now, looking at the big octopus grifix standing in front of her. “A-A siren?” “A siren is what I call all my entertainers in my house. I heard what happened here tonight and have known of your parents past for many moons now, so I think I can help you control when you use your magic like how you did tonight.”
Aqualina decided to go with Madame Thalassa and learn more how to control her magic based off her emotions, and agreed to stay in the Kraken’s Lure house because she saw how much she related to some of the grifix that were in the house. The House mother over time decided to put Aqualina in charge of training and teaching the other sirens how to use their voices to lure their customers into the dark pools as well as to get information out of them, Aqualina being proud of her achievements in life and now she was very well known in the house.
Customers will sometimes ask for solo performances from her, which is where Aqualina uses her most powerful luring magic to pry out very confidential secrets and information from customers about other guilds or maybe sometimes steal some jewelry from them because she did like shine things. Aqualina will take this information back to Madame Thalassa and if it has something to do with illegal activity or danger to the Empire, the house mother will immediately take this information to her other house mothers and headmasters to warn them, and especially tell Eagle Claw to keep an eye out for this suspicious activity.