EMP-455: Thalassa (Madame Thalassa)

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Mother of the Kraken's Lure Entertainment House
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Nickname
    Madame, Thala, Lassa
  • Birthday
    April 17th

Thalassa is the house mother of the Kraken’s Lure Entertainment House. Her name means ‘Sea’ in Greek and her sphirix’s name means ‘Kraken’ in Japanese. She is a very calm but also very strict mother, she also has extremely bad anxiety which sometimes makes other house mothers look down on her, but others actually respect her and are friends with her. She runs her house very well and it brings a lot of grifix to it. 



Trigger Warning: Drug Usage, Blood, and Murder

Thalassa was born in a strange area of the entertainment district, her parents leaving her egg to sink to the bottom of a huge pool in the darkest part of the entertainment district. Her father was part of the Fishing Guild, said to be the old headmaster of the guild before the current headmaster took over the Fishers after an accident happening that ended up killing her father, and her mother was part of the Greek House, being underneath the goddess Medusa. Her parents would send their magic down into the pool of water to make her egg hatch, and as soon as she hatched her father dove into the water and grabbed her to make sure she wouldn’t drown.

Her parents kept their love a secret because grifix in the entertainment district have a hard time keeping their eggs for various reasons, her parents actually being a bit frightened of her mane and tail.. them being nothing but tentacles. She grew up going back and forth from the two different places in secret, but that stopped when she got her sphirix.. it being a gigantic kraken. She decided to part ways from her parents and head to the Watasumi house, thinking that’s where she was meant to belong.. but that didn’t turn out well.

Thalassa knew how to swim because her father taught her how to swim when she was very young, but something about her tentacles made grifix get scared of her because sometimes.. they had a mind of their own. While she was swimming with Mystic Waters, the lead dancer of the house, and Kai the house mother of the Watasumi House, everything was going great until all of a sudden her tentacles grabbed both Mystic and Kai and started to squeeze them tightly, Thalassa absolutely freaking out and crying as she tried to pry her tentacles off of the two grifix. The audience was traumatized and so were other dancers in the water who were also trying to help pry her tentacles off Kai and Mystic. 

After a good few minutes her tentacles gave way and released Mystic and Kai, the two coughing and having to be helped out of the water as Thalassa stayed there in shock as the audience was starring at her.. cubs crying in their parents arms before Pond Lillies escorted the audience out with a few of the other performers. When everyone left, Thalassa climbed out of the water and stood there with her head hanging low as Pond Lillies started snapping at her because Pond’s anxiety and fear got so high so wasn’t controlling her emotions, Thalassa looking petrified before suddenly a huge blast of water was thrown at Pond.. it was Mystic Waters’s mane. “Enough!”

Mystic Waters went and pulled Pond aside for a moment before Pond looked like she felt horrible for scaring Thalassa and snapping at her, apologizing before she ran off and past Kai who was coming back from being checked by the medic guild. “Just a few scratches, please do not worry.” He said as he showed the scratches on him and Mystic and Thalassa’s eyes went wide and filled with tears. “Don’t worry..?! Headmaster Kai I could’ve strangled you to death! That’s not okay!” She cried as Mystic tried to come over and calm her down with Kai before Thalassa ran off and out of the building, tears streaming down her face as she ran towards the dark pool that was near where she was born, sitting and crying as her sphirix towards over her and tried to wrap around her for comfort but she bucked her back legs up in the air as a sign of wanting Kura to back off. “Leave me alone Kura..”

Thalassa sat in silence and stared down into the deep pool of water before suddenly she heard footsteps, a cloaked figure appearing from the shadows with a lantern hanging from the side of their cloak. “What do you want..?” She asked as the hooded figure suddenly became two.. two figures standing before her as they looked at each other and took their hoods off… it was Headmaster Kai and Tomoe, the headmaster of the Naisuke Ga Fuchi Entertainment House.

“We would like to speak with you, if that is alright?” Kai said as Thalassa let them sit with her, deciding to hear what they had to say. “We know what happened today frightened you, seeing what happened to me and to Mystic Waters.” Kai began as he looked at Tomoe for some help, Tomoe nodding before speaking. “We are not mad at you or going to punish you in any way, we want to hear your feelings towards what happened.” Thalassa continued to look at the water as she felt tears running down her face again, speaking as she cried.

“I was so scared.. I never knew something like this could happen.. as soon as I heard screaming and felt my tentacles pulling me up towards Headmaster Kai and Mystic Waters and immediately latched onto you both.. I was petrified.. I was trying so hard to get them off the two of you, and finally getting them off.. it was a blessing it didn’t hurt you guys badly.. but what really broke my heart.. was the sight of the children.. seeing them traumatized by what they just saw.. it made my heart sink..”

There was a silence before Thalassa felt two sets of paws wrap around her on each side of her, the two male grifix hugging her to calm her down. The warm embrace felt wonderful for a few minutes before they let go, the two males looking at each other before standing up. “We want to show you something, something we think you might be interested in.” Kai said before the female stood up and followed them towards a darker part of the district, still near the fishers guild but when they got closer, Kai held up the lantern. “We need to fly up a little.” He said as all three took flight and within seconds a huge ship came into view, a massive ship that was frozen into the side of the mountain.

“Wh-What is this..?” “A ship that’s been here for thousands of years. Lady Byakko told me about it when I first wanted to start my own house, thinking this would’ve been a good spot but I decided to to build my own place.” Tomoe said as they all landed on the deck of the ship, Thalassa looking around. “Why did you bring me here to this place..? Why show me it?” She questioned as the two males opened the door of the ship and let her walk in, seeing it had some cracks and things in the wood up above them. “You say you have a giant Kraken sphirix right?” Tomoe asked as Thalassa nodded, Tomoe pointing up to the ceiling. “Let your sphirix rest on the top of the ship..”

Thalassa thought he was nuts, but decided to tell Kura to go rest outside on the top of the ship, and suddenly Thalassa was smiling.. her Sphirix’s green glow was shining through the cracks in the ship and making the ship look magical in her eyes. “Wow..” “With a little bit of renovations.. and some help from a few of us.. I think this could be a wonderful new house..” Kai said with a smile as Thalassa became shocked, knowing he was suggesting her to become a house mother. “You don’t think.. grifix would be scared of me if I made this a house..?” “We’ve decided when we have free time during the nights, we will help you with learning how to control your tentacles and master your mind to make sure they never have a mind of their own again. Grifix magic is strong, and with enough willpower and patience, I know you will make them bow to your will.”

Thalassa started to tear up and ran to hug the two males, the two laughing before leaving her for the night in the ship to think of what she wanted to do to the ship to make it a house fit for the entertainment district, and knowing she had friends by her side she wouldn’t be alone.

Years pasted and the house was finished and was up and running for a good few years, thanks to all the help she had and her control of her tentacles were strong. She walked around the house and watched her performers do their work, but she saw a male grifix come into the house late one night, looking like he was drunk enough already and really didn’t need their services but he begged for it, so Thalassa let him in.. but her entertainers couldn’t get information out of him.. which was really weird.

Thalassa took the male back to a room and made him sit down and rest for the night before he woke up and looked confused but he actually was faking it and Thalassa was being played. “Where are you from? Which part of the empire?” Thalassa asked as the male looked at her. “The Soldiers guild.”

The male grifix over the years had played with Thalassa’s heart and made her fall for him that in the end she agreed to make an egg with him, but the truth came out the day before the egg was soon to hatch.. the male confessed to have been drugging her with drugs that were coming from the Herbalist guild and also confessed to being a murdered of three grifix, two male soldiers and a female entertainer.. who once was Thalassa’s best friend from the Watasumi house.

Thalassa was in fear of her own life and suddenly was filled with rage, making her tentacles wrap the male grifix and squeeze him tightly. “YOU PLAYED WITH MY HEART FOR YEARS AND CONFESS TO MURDER AND UNAUTHORIZED DRUG USAGE?! IN MY HOUSE?! AND ON ME?!” She roared as the male went and grabbed his sword and cut himself free from her tentacles, making her scream and blood ran from her cut tentacles as she watched the male run off. Luckily it was a night that Kai, Tomoe, Mystic Waters and surprisingly, Lady Byakko were coming for a an outing that they do once every so often when they have a free day.

They all saw the male running out and seeing Thalassa laying in blood, thinking she was dead at first but she wasn’t. The males went after the soldier and managed to get him put into prison while the girls tended to Thalassa, trying to calm her down from how heartbroken she was. Once she was calmed down and her tentacles were bandaged, knowing they always grew back like a regular octopus did, she got up and grabbed the egg in her tentacles and looked at them all. “I want no part of this child’s life.. I don’t want them to be raised by a mother who was so stupid to not realize she was being played..” she said as they felt horrible about what happened, Lady Byakko speaking up. “Take the egg to your old friend from the Hunters Guild.. he will raise it well..” she said, Byakko usually not being one to speak or even come to many of their gatherings. Thalassa nodded and excused herself from the gathering, putting on a cloak and heading towards the Hunters Guild.

As she carried the egg up in her tentacle mane over to the Hunter’s Guild, she looked through windows to try and find the male grifix. When she found him she grabbed him and dragged him into an alleyway where they would never be seen. “Thala, what do you want this late at night?” The male grifix asked her as she actually looked quite frightened, slowly using her tentacles to lower her cloak and to lower the egg into view. “Please.. take this.. I beg of you.. I want no part of this egg’s life. I trust you to raise this egg well.. I will tell the reason another day..” she said as she handed the egg to the male grifix and left without saying another word, the male grifix going and trying to protest of taking the egg at first but then saw how her tentacles were bandages and how hurt she was, sighing and taking the egg back inside, knowing he was doing what’s best for his friend and the egg’s sake.

Thalassa’s heart was shut off from the Empire for many years after what happened to her. She very cold hearted towards everyone except close friends and her entertainers, but knowing that the male Grifix was executed after being on trial gave her some peace of mind. Some of the other house mothers and headmasters came to her at times to comfort her, even some entertainers and grifix from different guilds was a real shock to her, and all these grifix coming to give her comfort started to warm her heart back up once more.

The group of grifix that came and told her that the soldier grifix was dead was of course Kai, Tomoe, Lady Byakko and Mystic Waters. But also the headmaster of the Soldiers Guild, Eagle Claw. He came and apologized for how he didn’t see how one of his own soldiers was hiding such crimes, and seeing what Thalassa went through made him want to come tell her in person that the grifix was executed for what he had done and they actually found proof of the crimes from grifix that witnessed it as well as evidence in the male grifix’s room in the Soldiers Guild building. Eagle Claw takes his job very seriously and will do everything in his power to make sure this never happens to anyone in the Empire again. Thalassa let her heart warm up to Eagle Claw and she respects him a lot, just as much as as she respects her friends.

She later fell in love with another male grifix that truly loved her and had two beautiful daughters. And she also later on met her son that she gave to Dust Blizzard’s grandfather, hearing about his death made her heartbroken but seeing how well he raised her son made her cry and apologize to her son about not being in his life and he fully understood and was not mad at his mother, letting her meet her grandchildren and she became filled with more and more love.