EMP-458: Alpine Ridge (Avalanche)

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
    Snow Monster
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Nickname
    Alp, Ridge, Riggy, Avalanche
  • Birthday
    December 19th

Alpine is friends with a lot of the hunters, but he’s also very quiet. He tends to spend more time around Prey and Hachi for some reason. He grew up with Hachi in the guild but for some reason he just likes Prey’s personality in the guild, not wanting to become so drunk sick like some of the hunters and had always wanted to be a hunter at a very young age.

Alpine tends to go hunt more close to the snowy mountains because he’s a fantastic climber, he’s only fallen twice; once when he was a cub and once when he was about to catch a big piece of prey and Prey yelled up to him and scared the shit out of him, making him lose his grip and fall but caught himself midair with his wings. “Prey! Seriously?! I was just about to catch a good piece of prey!” He spat as he saw Prey feel bad but he told him they had to return now due to the storm approaching, Alpine understanding and heading back to the guild building for the night.

Alpine was the one to back Mossweed up when he found Bramble’s egg outside, knowing Mossweed didn’t have a mate and he also trusted Mossweed because the green male grifix never lies. Alpine does sometimes play with the orphans and cubs at the guild hall, but most of the time he’s out in the snow hunting or just sitting on top of the guild building and looking out towards the mountains.

Alpine will sometimes go and hide on top of the building in the snow when there has been a big storm and when a group of hunters come and are about to walk inside, he will drop a pile of snow all over them just to mess with them, they gave him the nickname ‘Avalanche’ for that. The only grifix he doesn’t drop snow on are the cubs, the headmaster and Prey.