EMP-460: Raven Starset

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Priestess of the Eclipse Tower (Clerics Guild)
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive

Raven a priestess in the Clerics Guild. She takes a lot of pride in her job, but she will always act on her own will, not following orders or the rules of her religion. Some said she should be excommunicated after some actions she took, but ultimately those were for the better of the church and the Empire, so the Headmaster of her church stepped in for her. If she were to get kicked out, she would accept it and leave pridefully.

She is one of the priestesses in charge of the Eclipse Tower Device. Most of those live almost cut off from the rest of the Empire, from the "people" but she always liked to wander and do her own thing, buy her own stuff instead of getting them supplied from the Guild. Other priestesses think she's either an idiot who's probably a traitor or very brave. It is very rare to see those of her rank roaming around the streets of the Empire, so doing so gets a lot of attention on her, oftentimes unwanted.

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