EMP-461: Liliswamp

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
    Numa (means ‘Swamp’ in Japanese)
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Kraken's Lure Entertainment House Siren
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Birthday
    March 23rd
  • Nickname
    Lil, Lili, Swamp, Swampy

Trigger Warning: Drug Usage
Liliswamp is a very sweet and kind grifix.. when she’s not around so many drug containers. She grew up in the Kraken’s Lure house but she’s not as immune to the drugs they use for entertainment due to being around them a lot more than any other grifix in the house. Madame Thalassa put her in charge of keeping track of their drug supply in a room down on the lower deck of the ship, having cartons of incense bottles stacked up in the room as well as other various items they use for keeping their customers under their so called ‘spells’.

With her being around them a lot during day and night, she sometimes will come up onto the top deck a little loopy, but never means harm. Some of the entertainers will sometimes look at her a little concerned, but the do understand why she’s so loopy at times. Now she’s not always doing supply duty, she does do other siren work. She mainly loves to go down to the dark pools and lure the customers into the pool by swimming underwater and having her lilypad hat as something they want to take, but when the grifix gets too close she will jump up and push them underneath the water and let them stay there until someone says it’s time to release them.

Liliswamp did sadly have a rough past growing up, her parents not really taking care of her properly and ending up having other entertainers do their parenting jobs for them. Her parents also were actually drug addicts and would end up stealing drugs from the supply room and take it somewhere for their own enjoyment or leaving the house during the night to buy dangerous drugs from the Herbalist guild, which Madame Thalassa did not tolerate. She ended up kicking Liliswamp’s parents out of the house and taking Liliswamp under her wing as a very young age.

Madame Thalassa knows Liliswamp wants to do her best to keep the drugs out of the wrong paws, so that’s why Liliswamp took over the role of watching over their supply below deck. But there is times Madame Thalassa can’t find Liliswamp, and sadly finds her completely wasted in her little room from drinking a lot of sake and using some of the drugs from below deck in her room because of memories of the past coming back and haunting her. Now Madame Thalassa doesn’t let her do this often, or even see her do this often at all. It’s usually on certain days or days of lots of stress so she doesn’t punish her for it.

Liliswamp does have friends who care about her and will help her with her mental health, but usually it’s only one friend that stays by her side. When she’s not in a state of being high or drunk, she takes her job very seriously and she can actually tell if other grifix are using dangerous drugs or not, and if she finds one she warns Madame Thalassa because she know her house mother’s past. All the grifix in the house know the house mother’s past and will do anything to get answers on dangerous drug usage, where to find it and stop it from ever happening again. But Liliswamp has a strong sense of smell and can detect the drugs, since she’s been around them her entire life thanks to her parents.