EMP-465: Sunshower

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Information Runners Guild (apprentice)
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Nickname
    Sun, Sunny, Shower
  • Birthday
    August 17th

Sunshower is one of the two daughters of the Information Runners’ headmaster, Ocean Breeze. Her older sister, Starshower, and her cousin, Summer, are both runners for the Information Runners Underguild, and Sunshower looks up to them a lot. She is very excited about becoming a runner, and while she’s not allowed to take deliveries yet she follows her sister and cousin around everywhere and they sometimes allow her to carry light stuff in her bag.

Summer complains a lot about her following her but secretly enjoys having the little cub trailing her, and she’s always careful not to upset her. Still, as an older runner she usually has to take on the longer runs, so Sunshower ends up getting tired and then Summer must carry her in her cart - which is a bit bothersome cause she’s heavier than an empty cart.

Starshower loves having her around but as sisters they often end up bickering with each other and sometimes they start racing through the streets and knock stuff over everywhere and mess up the deliveries. Because of that, their mother often asks Summer to watch over Sunshower instead, cause having her trail Starshower always ends up in a disaster.

Sunshower loves to use her skates and skate by her older sister or Summer while they do runs, she also will just skate for fun. Her mother sometimes has to correct her for skating around the information cubbies in the building, not wanting her to knock into other grifix stocking mail or especially the mail boxes and everything going flying everywhere. It happened once, and Ocean Breeze was extremely upset.

Sunshower has a group of cubs she plays with outside the building or sometimes taking them up to her room to play with her figurines she has, a grifix cub from each of the runner underguild factions. She enjoys hearing stories from them about the other givers, especially from the male cub that has an older brother who is in the Craftsmans Guild while the male cub is just a Toolgiver trainee.

One time while she was in her room she had gotten some rainbow fabric that fell out of a box of messed up fabric pieces, deciding to make a buckle strap for her older sister’s mail bag.