EVE-163: Night Woods

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
    Snow weasel
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Deceased at the age of
  • Sexuality
  • Jojo’s bizarre adventure
    The Fool

Known to be one of the most beautiful grifix of her time, most said it was a shame for her to become a healer. Still, she was completely uninterested in any romantic relationships and harshly refused everyone's compliments. As other healers might have regretted the fact that they could not engage in  romantic relationships, she was just very pissed that people wouldn't lave her alone to leave her life as a healer. Mean to most other grifix, those who went too far found themselves into some really bad situations and learned to fear her anger. As time went by people learned to leave her alone.

She was born without a big part of her wings. Her feathers never grew there, and she was unable to fly. Her mother was obsessed with not letting people see that, being ashamed of it and finding the situation very personal so she always covered Night’s wings with a cloth. As a result, not many grifix knew about it, even if Night herself didn’t actually care about it. Perhaps if she wouldn’t have been hiding her wings all the time, some of those simps would leave her alone.

In terms of her relationship with the queen, she was one of the most loyal followers of Eclipsa. It wasn't so much that she agreed with Eclipsa, she just took her obligations very seriously when it came to the divinity. She didn't care so much about healing as she did for the relation with the Stars. And overall, the Queen is the closest thing to divinity on earth so she was very loyal to her. She didn't think so much about agreeing or not with the Queen's actions, she was totally uninterested in things such as politics and the way one would rule.

Most healers see the obligation to heal on the first place, and the relation with the Stars on the second, but for her it was the opposite. She would even harm others if they interfered with her duties regarding the Stars. When she would receive a prophecy or a sign, she would spend all time thinking about it, sometimes even ignoring her patients for days. Still, she was one of the best sign readers and prophecy interpreters there ever lived, nothing would escape her. And almost nothing surprised her, for if she looked close enough she could tell everything that was going to happen.

In terms of healing however, you can figure she wasn't the greatest... After she finally got a disciple, it was almost like she passed all her work to Black Sunset. This way, Black Sunset learned everything at a very young age, and even kept discovering new cures by herself. When she was ten she almost became the main healer of the tribe, and most of the time she had to do the job of a full healer while her mentor wasn't helping at all.

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