EVE-164: Minerva Moon

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
    Grass Snake
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Deceased at the age of
  • Sexuality
  • Fairy Tail
  • Harry Potter
    Minerva McGonagall

In her youth, she and another friend of her somehow befriended Eclipsa. Despite the fact that Minerva disagreed with most of Eclipsa's ideals, they still got along pretty well, but they were rather bond by the other friend. Still, they both new that Eclipsa wasn't really their friend, but getting along with the Queen gave them a lot of privileges, even though they were almost always standing on the edge - one they both soon fell over.

Later, the two mares fell in love, and at around the same time there came a prophecy speaking of a new Queen being born. At first, they didn't think it was actually their child that the prophecy talked about, but soon it was clear that it was. The two mares were incredibly proud, and happy. But their happiness was soon about to end, as Eclipsa proved how little she actually cared. Under all sorts of pretexts, one of them was sent in a dangerous mission outside the village, which killed her. It wasn't exactly "set" by the Queen, but it would've been easily avoidable. Minerva was left alone, and she was full of rage towards the queen. Eclipsa would've killed her, but with both parents dead it was certain that the egg of the next queen would die, so she had to keep Minerva alive. Coming up again with pretexts and stuff, she basically trapped Minerva in the library, almost never letting her out. In the time spent there, Minerva's rage grew towards the Queen, the Ancestors and everyone else. 

A few years later, Eclipsa ended her life too, as soon as her death wouldn't be a threat towards the life of the next queen. It is a wonder if her soul has ever found peace. But perhaps she met her pair on the other side and learned to forgive, if not Eclipsa at least the ancestors...

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