EVE-200: Fallen Pinecone

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Warrior Trainee
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age

His home was full of crazy people. His mother and her twin, Penumbra and Proxima were always fighting with someone, planning to make someone's day a struggle or fghting with eachother if they had nobody to bother. His older sister, Dark Forest was talking non stop and his cousin, Valor was always screaming at her to shut up. Pinecone was simply ignored. As a result, even as a baby he would simply walk out of the house. Outside there were always other mothers with their children, and it wasn't unusual for them to watch over more than one cub (but normally it was because the mother asked the other to, not because the cub came there on his own), so they would watch over him as well. This way he kind of got a normal education and didn't end up crazy like everyone in his family. 

His other sister, Spring Night, would sometimes come to spend time with him. She didn't live in the same house as him and the others, because she began healer training since she was very young. Pinecone is the closest to her of all his family, and she is closer to him than to her twin sister, Dark Forest.

Pumpkin Flare and Enchanted Trail were both around the same age as him, so they would always play together and were really good friends. As they grew older, Pinecone discovered that he really loves to paint so now he paints almost all of his free time. He loves painting Enchanted Trail and flowers. That leads to a lot of dangerous events. Why the hell would he try to paint her covered in joke plants?

He is a relatively quiet guy, pretty introverted but he's not anxious. He also has the wackiest ideas especially when it comes to his art. Him and Enchanted are a menace together and they almost destroyed the Village at least once.

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