EVE-280: Sunny

Owned by Holly_Heart
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Castle Maid
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive

Sunny was a grifix living in Everfrew village and she was a bit of an Outcast and loner, most don't pay attention to her. One day, she wandered into the Everfree Forest and stumbled across the Mirror Pond. She was lonely and didn't really have anyone she was close to in the village so she thought how nice it would be to have someone like herself to talk to. So she used the pond to do just that. She cloned herself and that is how Dusk came to be. Sunny even gives Dusk her name since she looks like a darker pallete version of Sunny. Sunny took Dusk back into town but the others took notice and reported about it to the guards and Sunny and Dusk got arrested and taken to the Queen. Sunny got questioned about what she did so she told the truth about how she was an outcast and just wanted a friend. And maybe that is why the Queen adopted the two in the end because of their tragic yet heartwarming story...