EVE-318: Darla

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Castle Maid
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive
  • Birthday
    July 15
  • Nickname
    Dar, Arla, La, La La

Darla is Astral Blight’s mate, Flame Flicker’s mother, Shunson Blight’s sister-in-law, and Cloud Boreal and Sandshine’s daughter-in-law.

She is a very quiet and shy grifix. She doesn’t really talk much to others, she only does what she is told to do and finishes the tasks she needs to complete. Darla met her her strong castle guard husband during her first days of being a castle Servant. She loves the cubs, she would rather be around cubs than other grifixes at times besides her mate. She goes to spend time with the cubs and her mate during her free time. Her and Astral are thinking of having a cub.

Her and Shunson get along well together, coming over every now and then for dinner at their place as they talk about when they were younger and things. Darla knows Cloud Boreal is excited that her and Astral are thinking about having a cub, Sandshine being a nice in-law to Darla as well.

When Flame Flicker is born:

Darla was extremely excited about Flame coming into their lives, just as much as her husband. Flame is an excellent son and when they are at work, they let Astral’s uncle babysit him and he even gave her son one of his old hats that Flame wears constantly. She sees he looks up to Larimar and is happy, knowing her own parents are happy as well to know they have a grandson now just like Astral’s parents are. She laughs at all her son’s stories he tells her about his day when he gets home, he’s always so friendly and bubbly and he gets that from his father and Darla sees that. “He’s a spitting image of you, Astral.” “What?! Past nah, he’s more like you!” 

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