EVE-324: Ophelia

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Umbra Warrior
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive
  • Birthday
    May 20
  • Nickname
    Helia, Elia

A unicorn once passed through the Everfree Forest, and in her way she shopped in a place she knew from old memories. Before her there were Andromeda and Enchanted Waters, and they too once stopped to look in the depths of that pond. Her predecessor created that place, with the intent of keeping herself alive for an enternity through clones of her memories, but she had failed, for none of the clones were truly her. They all were filled with evil intent and their minds had nothing but black inside. Arlechino heard of a myth that the pond will require many sacrifices for it to properly work, but once enough were sacrificed she could use it to gain imortality through her clones. 

So she went seeking in the forest. She knew there was a strange group of creatures living in there, they called themselves the Umbra Empire, even if they were merely a small village. She probably didn't even need to catch many of them, just one to sacrifice, then sacrifice the clones. At least she thought so.

So one day she found one, alone, walking throught he forest, so she captured it and dragged it to the Mirror Pond. The grifix was wearing a strange green armor, but Arlechino didn't think much of it. She was going to use her mind controlling magic, and it was all going to work out. Easy - she thought. 

But the grifix was a strange one. She didn't seem to react to external stimuly, as if she was, already mind controlled. And when Arlechino tried to control it, her magic hit against a much stronger will. 

So she thought she could say the incantation herself, then push the grifix into the water. And so she did. But all of a sudden, the grifix's eyes opened and she grabbed hold of the unicorn, dragging her in the abyss with her.


Only one clone emerged from the two, and their corpses washed up on the shore. The clone's mind was clouded with darkness, it craved the sacrifice. So it feasted on the corpses, and when it was done eating it fell in a deep sleep, only to wake up confused the next day.

What was she doing there? Last thing she remembered was that she left the village for a stroll in the forest. Images of a strange dream were flashing her mind, but she decided to ignore them and return to the village.


When she looked at her sphirix, she had a strange feeling, like looking at a stranger, where there was supposed to be someone she knew her whole life.

When she got home and looked in the mirror, Ophelia noticed her eye was a different color than before. When she saw it's reflection, the face of a unicorn flashed through her mind. Who was that? She couldn't remember.

From that day on, she found that the Umbra armor had no more effect on her, unless she was covering her strange eye. So she had a special helmet crafter for her, one which would not allow her "other self" to come out. One that would hold Arlechino's memories deep down, far from herself.