EVE-343: Shadow
Itachi and Sasuke -
Umbra Warrior -
The Everfree Village -
Shad -
October 26
Shadow was born in the Divided Grifix Camp and was born with mysterious bone horns and no wings. As he was growing up he constantly would cry in pain as small pink crystals started to form on his back, the crying always annoying his parents. As the crystals continued to grow, they started to form wings which was quite interesting to the other divided grifix because they’ve never seen the crystal corruption form such shapes.
As he continued to grow up, Shadow became more aggressive towards the other grifix in the camp, thinking he was all powerful and more special than anyone else because of his wings. Cubs feared him from how he acted towards others. Shadow’s parents tried to reason with him and tell him he was special to them because he was their son and he didn’t have to scare the cubs and other divided grifix. Shadow got furious and all of a sudden something strange happened.. his parents turned to crystal. He got absolutely petrified from what he did, but suddenly he started cackling. Grifix from the camp that witnessed this happened started to fear him, Shadow staring at them and laughing, saying. “YOU SEE?! I AM ALL POWERFUL!!”
The leader of the camp stepped forward and told him to leave the camp and never to return, for what Shadow had done brought fear to all the grifix. The leader usually reasoned with the ones that were this corrupted, but he saw he couldn’t reason with Shadow. So Shadow cackled and ran, running so fast for days that he ended up in the Everfree Forest….
Shadow was surprised of how much life there was in this place, and walking around he ended up in the Everfree Village, but the Umbra warriors spears up to him and forbid him to pass. Shadow, furious, gave one of the guards a death stare turning him to crystal too, while the other guard ran screaming King Umbra’s name.
Shadow stood at the gate until the king came and saw that one of his guards was turned to solid crystal. Umbra was surprised and asked the male grifix if he had done this to his warrior, Shadow admitting to it. Umbra was surprised at this power that Shadow had and thought maybe he would become useful to his cause, inviting him in the Castle for a talk.
Shadow looked around the village and saw all the mind controlled grifix and noticed they didn’t look like him, they were all healthy, strong, unlike the pityful divided grifix. Umbra took him into the castle and asked him what he was doing there and Shadow told him he was from a camp of different grifix that didn’t appreciate his power, thinking he was too powerful for their liking and was kicked out. Umbra was impressed by Shadow's power, so he made an offer to him:
"Crystalize your leader, that which has kicked you out, and bring him as an offer to me. Then, I shall allow you to become one of my trusty warriors, and your power shall be greatly appreciated."
When Shadow returned to the Divided Grifix Camp, the camp Grifix ran away from him, hiding the cubs from him. The leader came out and Shadow ran and attacked him, the two battling and the leader broke some of his crystals off his wings but they grew back quickly.
Shadow cornered the leader who was out of breath, Shadow’s eyes flashed turning him into crystal. “FEAR ME DIVIDED GRIFIX! FOR I WILL RETURN TO KILL YOU ALL!!” Shadow cried before turning around to leave for the Everfree Village, taking the crystalized warrior with him.
When he returned, King Umbra was pleased with Shadow and made him one of his warriors. Shadow admired King Umbra for the rest of his life, becoming one of the most feared Umbra Warriors to live, turning his enemies into crystal and pushing them over to make them shatter.
Shadow's two sphirix were always fighting, torn between his weak past and his "powerful" present. Who should Shadow turn to crystal next? They could never agree. They both rode on the tips of his wings, on his shoulders or head, Itachi always winning the arguments.
Shadow had a mate in the village, a female grifix that admired him for his power, and the two had a daughter who admired him at times, but was truly afraid of him.
When King Umbra got killed, Shadow fled the Village, swearing revenge on the Village for killing his beloved king, taking his daughter with him and abandoning his mate after realizing she wasn't on his side. But what shadow had ignored all of his life became a problem he couldn't ignore any longer: his corruption had never stopped growing, and moving became harder and harder for him. In his anger, he started losing himself until he eventually turned into a pile of lifeless crystals, his daughter being by his side till the very end. At the end of Shadow’s life, his other sphirix, Sasuke, finally won.