Profile EVE-35: Phoenix

Owned by kazoowary
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Warrior > Fighter (future), housegrifix (now)
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
    1.5 month

NOTE: currently Phoenix is baby and some info listed down takes place in the future


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He was a friend of Raspberry when he was a teen and she was 10. He was cheerful, young and stupid, but one day he suddenly just... changed. As if he had been replaced. He cut his hair and tail had become too serious and now he is training young warriors along with the captain, as he again proved his courage and selflessness. It would seem that you have tried very hard for the good of the village - much more? But the Ghost refuses any indulgence or rest, he has an imaginary to-do list in his head. And this list occupies his whole day with training, training and duty to the village.

This body doesn’t belong to him