EVE-350: Blue Thorn

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Queen's Maid
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive
  • Fairy Tail
    Minerva Orland

She is one of the Queen's personal maids, and takes her job very seriously. She lives in the castle together with her husband, but spends most of her day assisting the Queen. She can be sarcastic and has a good sense of humor, tho some other servants find it inapropriate sometimes, but truth is she only does jokes that she knows the queen would enjoy, and she is the most serious and hard working out of all the maids. The Queen trusts her especially because she doesn't put on a facade when talking to her, showing no false respect to anybody.

Most males are afraid of her cause she's very harsh when she feels like someone is disrespecting her or the Queen or anybody else, and she pushes everyone in a corner.

Her children, SUnstorm and Fernstorm were both raised in the castle, and were often left in the care of other servants, simply because there were many children there, and they had fun together. 

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