EVE-365: Sanguine

Owned by Holly_Heart
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Castle Guard (Eclipsa's Reign)
  • Dead/Alive
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
She’s one of the castle guards from the beginning of Eclipsa’s reign, she was likely as old as Eclipsa. Eclipsa didn’t allow female warriors, but she was already a warrior, even tho a very young one when Eclipsa became queen so she kept her position, at least for a while. 
Sanguine has only known life in the palace of Eclipsa. She was trained from an early age to be a royal guard and has been for a very long time. Most believe she is as old as Eclipsa is and really she might be. She has been around since the start of Eclipsa's reign and has always been there to server her queen faithfully. Sanguine doesn't know any other life than this...