EVE-379: Firestone

Owned by Dawn-n-Night
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Castle Servant
  • Dead/Alive
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Nickname
    Fire, Stony
Firestone is Seraphina Stone’s other mother, Moonshadow’s mate, Sparkleberry and Mossy Stone’s oldest daughter, Blue Emberline’s older sister, Cloud Breeze and Stargazer’s sister-in-law Teulia and Dreamy Cloud’s aunt, Cloud Boreal and Sandstone and Larimar Nimbus and Bismuth’s niece, Black Zirconia, Astral Blight and Shunson Blight’s cousin, and Cinder Whisp’s mother-in-law.
Firestone grew up with Moonshadow, the two always doing things together as cubs, sometimes playing in the mud or stacking rock outside. Firestone and her little sister Blue Emberline spent time together too, but Blue usually left to go spend time with Stargazer. Fire’s parents liked their older daughter’s best friend and seeing the two be happy together and playing nicely, they two never having a single fight.
As Firestone grew up she became a castle servant just like her mother, Moonshadow becoming a servant as well. She knew how much Moony wanted to be a castle guard, but Moony told her she wanted to stay with her best friend, not knowing it was because Moonshadow was falling in love with her.. but Firestone already had been in love with Moon since they were cubs, she just was nervous to say anything.
One night after Firestone’s duties were over and she was heading back to her room, Moonshadow was at her door and telling her she wanted to show her something, putting a blindfold over Firestone’s eyes and guiding her out of the castle and into the forest before taking the blindfold off and Fire seeing a picnic set up. “Moony this is amazing! When did you get the time to do all this?” She asked before she turned around and gasped to see Moonshadow holding a box and sitting down behind her. “Moony, what are you doing?” Fire had questioned before hearing what Moonshadow had to say to her about liking her, Firestone tearing up and had a bright smile on her face. “Oh Moony, I’ve liked you since we were just little cubs. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to tell you that.” She said before seeing Moonshadow open the box and ask her to be her mate, throwing herself at Moonshadow and kissing her as a sign of saying yes, holding her paw out so her mate could put the bracelet on her paw before they ate dinner under the moonlight. 
Months passed and Firestone had suggested that her and Moonshadow should have a cub together, the two making and egg and having their beautiful daughter, Seraphina. Firestone watched her daughter and Enchanted Trail run around the room in the castle and play together outside, but she was upset when Cinder Whisp, the female flame cub, had started bullying her daughter and her best friend.
Firestone was in hers and Moonshadow’s castle room pacing around since Seraphina hadn’t come home one night. Moon tried to calm her down before they heard sounds outside, running outside to see Seraphina walking behind Enchanted who’s hair was extremely long and so was their daughter’s hair.. but Seraphina was all sparkly. “What on earth happened?!” “Cinder Whisp burned Enchanted’s hair and I followed her into the woods and she ran into poison joke.. and got it on me..” Seraphina said to her mothers before Moon and Fire saw the Queen come out and start laughing from all the hair, but they dealt with the situation, Firestone sometimes having to put her daughter’s mane and tail in long braids and put it in a braided bun.
As her daughter grew up and started working in the library with her best friend, Firestone still worked as a castle servant with her wife. She saw her daughter and Enchanted work together until seeing Cinder Whisp had been going to the library, but for some reason Firestone saw that Seraphina didn’t mind the flame grifix being there.. how strange.
Sometimes Fire watched when her daughter went after Cinder Whisp at times at night or day whenever Cinder went into the woods, but then Firestone found out from Moonshadow that their daughter was actually like them, liking females as well. And when Seraphina brought Cinder to their place to meet them, Fire was just as hesitant as her mate about having Cinder around, but she started getting used to it and just asked Cinder to not burn the room up.