EVE-42: Morpheus Spark

Owned by Dexter_Tailor
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive
Some info on his name:

Morpheus originates in Greek language and means "god of all dreams".



He's a really bright and cheerful grifix that it's still waiting for his ceremony. He's always surrounded by friends and plays outside with them all day long. He can be serious when he learns small parts of the job of being a warrior for the village, but for now he enjoys being a filly that can dream with his eyes open.


Unfortunately for him, he's teased a lot for being almost completely different from his older sisters who, for some reason don't ever talk about their parents. He doesn't care if he's teased, because he was thought to always keep his head up no matter what hardship he is facing. With this attitude, he won over some friends that he's sure to keep for life.

He's the smallest out of the 3 Sparks, but he's always reminded that he's the man of the house and has to make his sisters happy and proud of who he'll be in the future.

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