EVE-43: Enchanted Trail

Owned by Summer_Stars
  • Name
  • Shape
    Macaw Parrot
  • Rank
    Castle Maid
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive

Her chracter is very prideful, the most of course being the pride she has in the length and beauty of her hair, In fact many would consider her long mane and tail hair to be the most outlandish thing about her at first glance.

Many ponies wonder why she never cuts it to reasonable lengths, but she’d  never entertain such ridiculous ideas. Even the thought of doing such a thing upsets her, and it would only bring on total annihilation by her childish destructive rage to anyone who’d dare to do so.

When shes not out wandering and hunting she can be seen chilling out. When other ponies ask for help she always does her best to assist them. She is very honest, even to the point of bluntness. Shes not one to shy from telling off someone she hates, or if they are being creepy.

When shes in the forest hunting is by far her favorite activity. The thrill of the chase, the quiet game and honour of captiuring each prey.

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