Profile EVE-48: Reaping Sea

Owned by MidnightStar
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    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive
Reaping Sea

November 29
Chaotic Good

Reaping Sea was born under the name "Purple Wave" in the time when Queen Eclipsa still ruled. Life wasn't easy, but Purple Wave admired Queen Eclipsa when he saw her once outside when his mother, Cat Stripe, took him out to show him the village. They came close to the castle of the queen and by any chance, the queen was outside of the castle. Not far away from it, but outside. She looked stunning and he admired her. However, she also seemed to be annoyed by other grifix as when she spotted them, her face immediately darkened and she disappeared. Back home, he asked his parents all about Queen Eclipsa and while his parents weren't too fond of her, he was.
So, as a small tribute to her, he wanted to become similar to her. Even as a young one, he already was a loner, but he didn't care about that. He was happy with the company of his sphirix with whom he would always make fun of other Grifixes.

One day, he grew tired of his surroundings and fled into the Everfree Forest. Everyone searched for him, though it was more because of his parents than because of him.
They found him near a river in absolute silence - they couldn't even hear the faintest chirp of a bird - and brought him back home. Ever since that, he went to that river regularly to enjoy the new sounds of nature which usually calmed him down.

He was generally called "the reaper" amongst other due to making everyone mad and sad around him, and he actually enjoyed the nickname once he found out about it. He, in fact, likes it so much that it became part of his name.
The other part of his new name, "Sea", just comes from the river he visited which had appeared like a sea to him when he first saw it.


He's just your typical grumpy old man: impatient, short-tempered, loud, and knows everything better. He has his own garden in which he works long and often, so he can avoid all the others who get on his nerves. Still, he loves his wife and son and the family of his son and shows this by annoying them just a little bit.
He often yells at others and is really impatient. Then, he starts a fight with the grifix who is slow in his opinion and delays whatever he wanted even more. Sometimes, he even never gets it. But the worst thing about it is that he enjoys annoying others. He doesn't get on their nerves just for fun, but it's not like he feels uneasy doing so.
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Lagoona was the first to see his positive traits and stayed with him ever since. At first, he was annoyed by it. He wanted to be alone, listen to the nature, and not be interrupted by anybody. Still, during the first few times, he let her stay. After all, she was as quiet as he was and he could continue listening to nature and find peace in it.
But then, she started to talk to him which made him angrier and angrier until hie finally yelled at her that she should leave him alone. She was hurt by that, but did as he said and left him. Finally alone again, he relaxed, but then he noticed... he felt lonely.
So, he ran after her and apologized to her in the center of the village. She accepted his apology and they became friends, despite their different personality.
They actually fought often, but they were never angry at each other for long and apologized soon after. And over time, they became more than just friends.
He loves her and there is nothing that could change that.
Cat Stripe
He never got along well with his mother as she was clearly opposed to Queen Eclipsa. Conversations they had would always escalate into a fight whenever the queen's name was mentioned.
They soon started to talk less to each other and only when really necessary. He doesn't know whether that hurt his mother, but he certainly though that he was better of.
He can't fully hate his mother because she's family, but he was never really font of her either. He was the most indifferent Grifix about his mother's death.
Dark Cloud
He got along a bit better with his father because while Dark Cloud was obviously opposed to Queen Eclipsa as well, he pretend to understand him, or at least acknowledged the fact that Reaping Sea likes Queen Eclipsa.
He could talk more freely to his father and they also had barely any fights because of Queen Eclipsa. Reaping also shed a few tears upon his father's death, although only in secrecy.
Sunset Stars
He has been very demanding of his son, always wanting and expecting the best of him and for him.
He was also very cold to him which was just his way for Sunset to achieve his best since Reaping's father reacted similar to him. He didn't think it would result into the opposite and approached it differently after Sunset ran away.
Ever since then, their cold relationship warmed uo and they got to know each other a bit better.
He still would have wanted Sunset's sphirix Longg to be a water-type sphirix, since Lagoona's and his are one as well, but he is proud that Sunset has a mighty dragon as a sphirix.
Star Waters
To be frank, he doesn't really understand her.
He dislikes her way of naming things and her general approach on things - she approaches everything loudly and head first, while he does it more subtle - and he also dislikes her sense of interior design (they had many fights about it).
But he accepts the fact that his son as apparently fallen in love with her and this, also accepts her in his family.
Water Skies
Water Skies actually reminds Reaping a bit of Lagoona and he sees many similarities between the two.
Out of the three siblings, he likes Water Skies the most because of that.
Sky Lillies
She is basically just another annoying Grifix. He doesn't know her biological parents very well because they were Star Waters's friends and he doesn't associate with anything Star Waters, but he does have a small liking towards her. And for some reason, it's always him who ends up seeing her down first.
Lily Falls
She's the worse version of Sky Lillies because of Lily Falls's cheerful personality and her seemingly inifinite energy. But that just means that he secretly likes her as well.
As with all his other grandchildren, he hopes for her to achieve the best she can and would aid her in everything she needs.
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