Profile EVE-52: Sky Lillies

Owned by MidnightStar
  • Name
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  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive

A cheerful Grifix who lives to race and constantly challenges her brother.

For some reason, her biological parents had the feeling they couldn't care for their child forever. And since her mother was friends with Star Waters, they decided to give their child to her for her to take care of it.

They were also under the ones who died during the Timberwolves attack.


By the age of three, she was brought to Star Waters family.

She was a bit hesitant to accept her new family, but quickly adapted to it. She would have done it over time anyways, but Water Skies sped up the process because Sky Lillies had finally a brother to play with.

They always played together and also learnt together how to fly.

Sky Lillies then learnt how amazing flying was and usually challenged Water Skies to a race which he accepted most of the time.

During one of their races, Sky challenged Water to a race that led out of the village. Water Skies was unsure whether that was such a good idea, but her persuasion made him say yes, anyway.

They started their race and flew really, really fast since the route was longer than usual, but when the tree came where their race ended, Sky Lillies couldn't stop herself and crashed right into the tree, entangling herself in the liana of the tree.

She tried to get herself free, but all she did only made it worse, so she cried for help.

Water Skies, who arrived only moments later, heard her cries and a deep growl from inside the forest, too. He panicked and flew towards his sister, telling her to quiet down.

She did and now also heard the growl. She was scared, too, and asked Water Skies what she should do. He told her to stop moving while he would try to remove the liana.

She did as he told and he started to work on getting her free, but it was harder than he thought. She had also moved too much already, so the liana were a complete mess. Even cutting them with his claws wasn't possible because the liana were too thick. He grew more and more desperate, the more he did what he could.

Luckily, help soon arrived. Two other grifixes, coincidentally their parents, had heard Sky Lillies' cries and had come to save her.

Sunset Stars quickly cut off the liana and helped Sky Lillies get out of her mess, while Star Waters kept scolding them for their reckless behavior.

They were grounded for some time after that.

But during that time, Sky Lillies got to know her little sister Lily Falls a bit better and started to play with her more, especially after Water Skies went to train with the warriors.

And when Sky Lillies wasn't grounded anymore, Lily Falls was old enough to explore their small village. Sky Lillies obviously volunteered to show her around and Star Waters allowed it, but reprimanded her to not be too reckless.

Sky Lillies nodded and the sisters left the house. She showed Lily Falls about everything there was in the village and didn't even think about the Everfree Forest.

She and Lily Falls often played and also flew together and Sky Lillies taught her younger sisters some flying techniques to get another flying partner.

During the day, she would play with Lily Falls and when Water Skies returned back home on the evening for a few hours, Sky Lillies would play and train with him.

He taught her a few techniques and now, Sky Lillies can defend herself with her claws pretty well, too.


When he had finished his training and stayed in the trainings ground, Sky Lillies often visited him in his free time and challenged him to races again.

Water Skies usually, but not always accepted, and during one of their races, Sky Lillies again challenged him to a tree outside their village.

Water Skies refused and Sky Lillies accepted that, but kept annoying him with it until he finally gave in.

Sky Lillies was way faster than his brother and arrived really early at the tree. This time, she could control herself better than the last time and she landed rather than crashed in the tree. She made herself comfortable in the tree when she suddenly heard voices underneath her. She looked down and saw - a group of young Timberwolves playing there!

She was terrified and hid herself in further in the tree. Water Skies arrived in that moment in the tree, too, which scared Sky Lillies so much, she shrieked in fright and stepped backwards and backwards and - fell down the tree.

Her scream and her fall alerted the young Timberwolves and they suspiciously walked around the tree.

She was scared, backed to the stem of the tree, and jumped in fright when suddenly something fell down the tree and right in front of her. It was Water Skies.

The young Timberwolves came around the tree in that very moment and three of the five immediately ran off into the forest.

The last two came closer to the two grifixes and Water Skies took out the sword he had taken with him. He swung it around and one of Timberwolves, the smaller one, turned and fled, too.

He fought against the last one and Sky Lillies was so amazed by the fight, she overheard Water Skies telling her to retreat.

When she finally heard it, she insisted to stay as she couldn't leave him there, but left quickly anyways, after Water Skies told her that more would come soon.

She flew high on the sky and was close to the village when Water Skies caught up to her.

Sky Lillies was amazed by his brother and felt bad for all the scratches he'd gotten in the fight, but he just waved it away.

Ever since then, she respected it when Water Skies said no and didn't annoy him into doing so anyways.


Water Skies

She really likes her brother. In their youth, they did basically everything together until Water Skies had to join the warriors.

Ever since then, they didn't to everything together, but still the most they could. Water Skies even thought her some moves he learnt at the training camp.


Reaping Sea

Since he is a bit nicer to her, she doesn't really understand why Water Skies doesn't like him.

She herself has a pretty good relationship towards him and even asks for his advice sometimes. Admittedly, that's usually when her parents aren't there, but she does ask him.

But even she learnt that asking him too much at once or things are are commonly known makes him angry.

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