EVE-55: Seraphina Stone

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
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  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive

Seraphina Stone is well known by others in town, especially her rival, Cinder Whisp, a flame colored maned, dark grey bodied Grifix who is know for her firepower. Cinder always picked on Seraphina while they were out with a group of other young grifix. But the worse thing Cinder did to Seraphina was unforgivable. She made Seraphina go into the Everfree Forest while a wild manticore was on the loose. Seraphina managed to escape in time, but was badly wounded and left with a hidden scar underneath her hair on the top of her head.

Seraphinas mother was furious at Cinder Whisp, and went to the queen and tell her what Cinder Whisp did to her daughter. The queen saw the scars given to Seraphina and knew that she had no choice but to send Cinder off with a warning of if she ever mistreated a fellow Grifix again, she would be punished. Seraphina knew she now had to protect herself from harm of others, so she started to learn how to use her forehead gemstone more.

Seraphina now is a powerful Grifix who protects her family and the village. But what she didn’t know is she has some darkness in her that will soon be unleashed and she will need help to control the chaos dark magic.

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