EVE-56: Frozen Mountain

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Head of The Castle Servants
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Sexuality
  • My Hero Academia
    All Might

He started working at the castle just around the same time as Queen Selenara started her reign (around 50 years ago), when he was around 20 years old. Queen Eclipsa raised him in the castle for him to become the best adviser and servant the new queen could hope for. From his first day of work he never took a single day off, always saying that he didn’t feel the need to do that. He was literally living for the Queen with all of his mind, body and soul. His loyalty and devotion were above of any other Grifix’s. The Queen never doubted him, and always asked him for advice.


Soon after Selenara started her reign, she named him “Royal Advisor”. This position didn’t exist before Frozen Mountain. He was supposed to be just Selenara’s personal servant but he has proven so much loyalty and wisdom as the Queen slowly started relying on him as much as she did on The Captain of the Warriors and The Healer (which played the advising role before, and still do), so at a point she decided to name him “Royal Advisor”. It is not sure if this role will be kept after his retirement or the Queen will go back to the old ways.


After he turned 60, the Queen kept asking him if he wouldn’t want to retire, and let a young grifix take his place, while he could go rest with the other old grifix, but he could not imagine himself living that way. The only way he ever lived and could ever live was serving the Queen. So now, even at the age of 70, he would always meet you when entering the castle hall, greeting you with a warming welcome and a bright smile.


His personality was always a positive one, smiling all they time and keeping calm, never loosing control of himself, not even in the most critical situations. That’s why every grifix trusted him and his decisions.


* * *


Once, about 15 years ago, there was a timberwolf attack on the village. The wild beasts managed to break through the barrier and killed a many grifix, despite the warriors fighting hard to sent them away. Between the deceased ones there were three pairs, who were the parents of three baby girls. The girls were about the same age, and, as they remained orphan and the village was too devastated for any grifix to take care of them the Queen decided to raise them at the castle. Unfortunately, because of the work that she had to do as a Queen, she could not raise them all by herself, so they spent most of their time with Frosen Mountain, who didn’t mind having one more job to do. As the three girls grew up and Mountain was getting old, they started helping him around, and soon found that they enjoyed serving the Queen. It wasn’t a decision they made in one day, it just became like a natural future that they will serve the Queen just like Mountain did all that time.

However, the Queen gave them the freedom Mountain didn’t have during Eclipsa’a reign: they can hang around the village, play and do teenager stuff. The Queen even hopes that they will once find their love and have a family.

Old Mountain was like a father to them, so even if he doesn’t remember his family and never got married, those three girls are his family and he loves them more than anything.

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