EVE-66: Lily Leaf

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Common grifix
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Deceased at the age of
  • Sexuality

She was a beautiful grifix, very kind and meek. She would never get mad and was always calm and smiling. She was very strong mentally, but her body was very weak and she often got ill.

Because she was getting sick so much, she spent a lot of time in the healer’s hut. While recovering she was helping Black Sunset with the herbs and sometimes took care of Spring Night (who was very little by that time). She got to know almost all the herbs and know about healing almost as much as an advanced healer disciple.

In the first winter after her daughter’s birth, she got a very dangerous illness that grifix called “throat-tear”. The illness got worse and despite Black Sunset struggling to heal her it got in a stage where the grifix called it “throat-bleed”. Soon after that, she died, leaving her baby in the care of her husband and her old mother.

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