EVE-67: Silver Rose

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Everfree Village
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Sexuality

She’s a pretty typical old lady. She doesn’t get along very well with her son-in-law, but loves her granddaughter a lot. She kinda spoiled Silver Wing and let her do whatever she wanted when she was taking care of her (which was a lot of time because her father was busy with his job). She spends most of her time taking and weaving with other old grifix. It was kinda boring for Silver Wing when she was little so she started just running away often and hiding in some bushes. The old grifix never even noticed that she was missing. Silver Wing was just wandering around the village at that time doing mischiefs and getting in a lot of trouble. But when her father was questioning Silver Rose why she didn’t keep an eye on the little filly she was always answering “What do you mean? She was always right here!”.

Even though she was heartbroken when her Daughter passed away, taking care of the little filly helped her get over it. Now she’s a pretty happy person and spends her day like any other old grifix.

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