EVE-68: Snowflake
Blooddrop -
Castle Maid -
The Everfree Village -
17 -
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure
Josuke -
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure
Okuyasu -
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure
The Fool
She’s a pretty strange person, but she’s mostly nice and friendly. Her mother was Black Sunset’s younger sister. Her parents died soon after her brother’s birth ten years ago (I’m still not sure why they died but I’ll do as something). Black Sunset took care of her and her brother for a few years, but when she got 15 years old she decided to move from the Healers Hut and live alone with the brother, for she felt she could take care of both on her own. Obviously if she needs help with something she goes and asks Black for help, but she’s mostly fine on her own.
Being the same age as Spring Night, they soon became best friends. Snowflake wished to become a healer since she was young because she saw all those amazing things that fascinated her. But soon she understood that was impossible and decided to try to help the village in any other ways possible: She enjoys spending time with the old grifix, it not because that’s fun or anything. It’s because the old grifix are always happy when some young grifix shows interest in them, and she loves making other grifix happy. She often brings food to the warriors when they take a break, and they’re all very thankful to her for that.
However, she may be darkish sometimes, laughing on dark jokes and sometimes she seems like she doesn’t understand how painful it is to lose someone you love (that’s even stranger thinking she lost her parents, but she seems to not fear at all death). She also enjoys dissecting the prey the warriors bring for food. That job should be done anyway, but she enjoys it in a very creepy way...
But if you put that aside, she’s a good friend that would always give you a helping paw, so it’s never bad to have her by your side.
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