EVE-74: Zephyr

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Trainee Warrior
  • Location
    The Everfree Forest
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Sexuality

Zephyr is another of the orphans Queen Selenara adopted, but he didn’t get along too well with the other three older girls at the castle so he spent most of the time hanging around the Warrior Camp admiring the warriors and their awesome muscles. He aimed to become one of the best warriors. Around there he befriended Silver Wing and they were always playing warriors. When he was young, he wasn’t very strong and the girl was easily putting him down.

Later, when he became a warrior, he grew much stronger and even though she still likes to attack him and try to put him down she mostly fails. Sometimes he fakes to be overwhelmed by her and he lets her beat him. She would normally get mad on anybody who would do that but she’s fine with him (even though she fakes being a bit mad).

He sometimes wears a cape made from a boar fur.

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