Profile EVE-84: Aeterna

Owned by Dexter_Tailor
  • Name
  • Shape
    Roc Bird
  • Rank
  • Location
    Smokey Mountains
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age

Legends say of a powerful, immortal Grifix living high up in mountains.

Long ago there was a Grifix who's name was never recorded. This female Grifix was a servant of Starla, born just before the village was settled where we walk now. Only a child, she doesn't remember the long journey.

Starla took a liking to this Grifix, becoming very close to the Queen. After some time Starla decided to retire and pass on her immortality to The Forgotten Queen, deciding to leave the village for good; taking the female Grifix with her.

They travelled West where the ground met the sky, taking her to the highest point. There, a single apple tree with glowing gala apples grown. No more than seven apples were grown on this tree. The tree itself had possessed strong magic all throughout. It's roots, it's bark, and it's leaves. So powerful that the female Grifix could feel it just by standing afar from it. Starla asked the Grifix to take one apple and eat it. Though she was frightened, she trusted and had faith in Starla. She ate the entire a apple but soon fainted.

Time goes by until she awakens. Waking up in a beautiful cave full of decorated stones, pretty flowers, and a small crystal blue waterfall. Everything was so precisely placed. Soon enough she saw Starla, older and weaker looking, tired. Though the female Grifix hadn't felt any different; seemed fine and refreshed. Starla was aging. She asked, "My Queen, what has happened to you?" To which Starla replied, "Three years".

Giving up the magic and immortality to the next Queen. Starla aged very quickly in the span of those three years. It wasn't much longer before the Queen was to die. That is why Starla has brought the Grifix with her to the mountain. To eat the apple of the tree.

The Apple had given the Grifix immortality. 7000 years to produce only seven apples. Starla had chosen this Grifix to look after her and anymore Queen's to soon make it to this place. To turn the cave into a cemetery for each Queen. A good place for them to spend their final days, with fresh water, food and care.

As Starla settled and laid to rest, she looked up into the Grifix eyes, stating a new name. A name that will never be lost in history.

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