OUT-2: Deep Ocean

Owned by kazoowary
  • Species
    Earth Pony
  • Rank
  • Location
  • Dead/Alive

She grew up a closed and sullen girl, she doesn;t like noisy companies and generally make friends, and therefore she doesn't have them. She would rather spend time developing herself by reading an encyclopedia about the dragon's ancestors or learning a new sewing technique than by making some stupid friends. She just hates when someone give her nicknames or pay attention to her blue from birth eyelashes. In her spare time, she prefers to retire to the woods, in her favorite glade, under a tree, taking with her sandwiches and a flask of tea or juice. Once she met the spirit of the forest itself! (as she thought at that time) and a bit proud that "spirit of the forest" befriended precisely with her, but tries to drown out this pompous pride.