


They are hooved mammals the same size as grifix that come is a big variety of subspecies. They can be any color and have hair mane and tail. Their hooves can be visible or not.

Their destiny is linked to their cutie marks, symbols on their flank that show their purpose in life. Their cutie marks are linked to their magic, showing that even without being able to use magic, those creatures do possess it. A magicless pony has no cutie mark. They are also born without a cutie mark, and obtain it later in life.


Earth pony: they are stronger than the other subspecies, but do not have any distinctive features other than the lack of anything other subspiecies have. They are unable to use magic, but it may be the cause of their strength.

Pegasus: they have wings. Their magic serves for weather manipulation and allows them to walk on clouds.

Unicon: they have a horn growwing out of their forehead. They are the only ponies that can freely manipulate magic, using their horn. The horn is usually straight, but depending on subspecies it can have a different shape.

Crystal pony: They can be earth, pegasy or unicorns. They have different coloring, having a distinctive shine. The crystal heart can cause them to enter a special state, where they become extra shiny and crystalized. They reside in the Crystal Empire.

Bat pony: they have bat wings, fangs and fluffy ears. They reside in the Hollow Shades. They can NOT grow horns.

Eastern Unicorn: they have a curved horn and pointier ears. Their magic can take the shape of an eastern dragon. They reside in the east and their culture is based on east Asia. It is unknown if they exist anymore or they went extinct sometime before Nightmare Moon.


Any grifix base can be used with certain alterations.


before the great cataclysm

Settlements: They reside all over Equestria.

Relationship with grifix: only individual interactions. They have legends about invisible beings that could refer to grifix, but they do not interact with them regualrily.

Relationship with other species: They have interacted with all known species at some point.

Clothing and accessories: Anything. Depends on settlement.

After the great cataclysm

For most subspecies it is unknown. Most subspecies could be extinct.

Settlements: The Crystal Empire

Relationship with grifix: Crystal Ponies often interact with grifix from the Frozen Empire. They often trade things with grifix in exchange for crystals and precious minerals. 

Relationship with other species: The Crystal Empire is full of residents of various species. 

Clothing and accessories: Anything. 

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