OUT-22: Mortina

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Smokey Mountains
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
    13.8 billion years

At the beginning, there was nothing. Pure nothingness. I wouldn’t even say there was nothingness cause nothingness EXISTS but there didn’t exist anything. It’s hard to explain in common words, for common words have been created by beings and beings can’t exist where there isn’t existence, therefore beings can’t understand inexistence so they can’t create a word for it. But that’s how it was. Until one moment when THEY existed. The one and only true God of this world, The God of Existence. They hadn’t much power or capability to do anything, but they EXISTED and since they existed, Existence was born and there could be something in that world. And that’s when we, me and my sister, took birth from nothingness and existence. Aesteka, the Godess of Destruction and me, Mortina, the Goddess of Creation. And I created the world with everything that is in it. I made it so it would grow on it’s own, change and evolve. But all change is powered by creation. Therefore if I were to die, it wouldn’t disappear, but it would stop to evolve and nothing would change, and nothing would ever be different. But it would still exist.
My sister, Aesteka, is the only one who can make things seize to exist. She could wipe out worlds and make them all disappear. She could pull the souls from beings and bring death to all. If she were to die, nothing would ever have an end. No life would end and  this world would be overflown with things, for as long as I exist they will always take birth.
The two of us together must exist, and if one doesn’t the other shouldn’t either. It’s the pure balance of existence, the one true way of life.

But this wasn’t all. In this newborn world we’ve created, new aspects of the universe started to contour. Things that can only exist if there is life, things that once there was life will forever exist. Chaos, Malice, Luck... those are just few of them. Once one was born, a new spirit - a God - took birth. The spirit of Chaos was Discord, the spirit of Malice was Cosmos, the spirit of luck and fortune was Eris, and many more. Those were called the Spirits (or Gods) of Life.

In the first days of this world there was a storm of magic and Being in which all things took birth above this New Earth, and those spirits haunted the world. It all went so fast and as many as took birth in that moment there died, only few have survived and now they’re part of the nature of this world.

Me and my sister would play with the world and decide the fates of the beings, in a tremendous gamble of life, me against her. We never knew who would win - creation or destruction? The mortals were our peons, ruled by the Spirits of Life, acting accordingly to our will, in a never ending war which was the gamble the two of us would play.

This lasted for millennia’s, and it would never seize to amuse us. But of course that the mortals didn’t feel the same, and it only took all that time to understand what was happening, why they were fighting and who was behind it. And they decided to put an end to us - to trap us so that we won’t have any power above them anymore. To start a war against the goddesses that ruled the very law of existence, it feels crazy, doesn’t it?
Well that’s what we thought too, and we let our guard down. That’s how they got so far so that one of us was took down - Aesteka, the Goddess of Destruction. But the mortals knew that she shouldn’t be killed, so what did they do? They trapped her in two mortal beings. Two mere fillies that through this acquired immortality - The Two Sisters, Celestia and Luna.
And there was no way for Aesteka to break out. Her soul and power was split and imprisoned in the two bodies which she couldn’t break out of using the power of Destruction.
Have you ever wondered what exactly are those nightmares that sometimes take over the alicorns? That is Aesteka, her consciousness speaking in the mind of the alicorns, inspiring hatred so that she can take over their bodies and make them kill each other, cause only when all alicorns will be dead she will be able to break free.
As if it wasn’t enough being trapped in two separate bodies, one of them, Celestia, decided to pass her power to others, creating new alicorns, each of them keeping a piece of Aesteka’s souls inside. With each new born alicorns her soul is split once more and her power over them weakens.
Were the two sister ever aware of what lied inside of them? That I do not know, but I know for sure that in the course of existence my sister will once break out, and then her anger shall bring much more destruction than this world has ever seen. Maybe it will reduce it all to what was before the two of us were born, just to Existence alone. Then I guess I’ll have to rebuild a new world. Who knows? Time is the only thing that existed before Existence. Time is the only thing We cannot control.

As for me, not long after that I retired from this world, decided to live alone and no longer control the living. It’s been a few interesting millennia, seeing how this world would evolve without the influence of a major God. I mostly haven’t encountered anybody, until this young unicorn came my way. She is quite an interesting one, I must say. The living never seize to surprise me. Her name is Sol. But I’ll tell her story some other time. Having it all in one place would be boring, right? I have to leave some questions unanswered, otherwise my whole intervention here would be pointless...

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