OUT-28: Akasha

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Rank
  • Location
    Alicorn bodies
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
    13.8 billion years

This world hasn’t always existed. There was a time where there was pure nothingness, and then Existence appeared and only then there could be something. But just because there was something, it didn’t mean there was actually anything in this world, for all there was was Existence. And then two gods took birth from Existence: Mortina, the goddess of Creation and Akasha, the goddess of Destruction. So early there could only be one rule for something to exist, and that was that everything that once took birth would one die, everything that started to exist will one day cease to exist. Maybe in the future more gods would take birth, but over those two none could rise for they were the pure rule of existence.

Mortina could create anything and shape the world after her own will, but everything came to an end through her sister’s will. Akasha’s existence alone would drive everything to destruction, through the flow of time. Time is just the journey to death of each and every thing. So through that, Akasha was also the goddess of time.

There were the early days on Earth in which the two goddesses would play with the lives of the mortal, descend through them and do as they pleased. They would raise wars against each other, just to entertain themselves, and they would create and end life like it was nothing. But the living did not agree to such practices. The early races of ponies came together and decided to put an end to the goddesses’ reign. Looking for a way to kill them, they soon came to realize that death of one of them would mean the end of existence. So all they could do was trap them. After a long time of research, an old unicorn found a way to trap the two inside the bodies of two newborn fillies. But when the time came to be, they realized the goddesses were too strong to be trapped in only one body each. They managed to trap Akasha in the two fillies, but their plan was revealed and Mortina escaped, never to be seen again. 

Akasha however, was trapped inside two bodies which restrained her power so that she could not escape. As a result, the time of the whole universe but the life on Earth slowed down, to a degree that the two vessels had to use Akasha’s magic to accelerate it for short periods, so that the day and night cycle would be kept. The two mares in which she was trapped are Celestia and Luna. They were the only alicorns at that time, but soon they started spreading their power to the worthy ones. With each new alicorn, Akasha was divided into more and more pieces, her power growing weaker and weaker with each new vessel, making it harder for her to break free. The Nightmares in which the alicorns would once turn became a forgotten legend. But nothing can change the fate of the world - one day Akasha will break free and all that restrained destruction will take over the world.

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