OUT-35: Breakwater Bay

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Species
    Earth Pony
  • Rank
  • Location
    Mount Aris
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age

Timberwoods' parents were obsessed with pony custure to the point it was creepy and wrong, which is why they sent him to the Friendship School, because OBVIOUSLY they were both extreme simps of Twilight Sparkle. It was always kind of cringe to him, but there was nothing he could do about it. Still, the most extreme thing they did was adopt a pony. That is Breakwater Bay. Good thing is, she is very enthusiastic, and perfectly matches their energy so it wasn't a toxic enviroment for her. She was adopted when she was around 6 and was more excited than anything to be adopted by hippogriffs and taken to Mount Aris. She was even more excited when she recieved her own pearl necklace and was able to transform in a seapony. She loves it there.

She misses her brother and part of her wants to attend the Friendship School as well to be with him, but other part of her doesn't want to leave Mount Aris behind, and her parents which she loves very much.

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