TRIBE-100: Bluebell

Owned by kazoowary
(Co-owned by MysteriousShine)
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Healer disciple (in Village), First Healer (in Tribe)
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Deceased at the age of
  • Sexuality

• friendly, charming, fair, precise, sensitive
• a descendant of the ancient witches
• knows astrology and star maps

When Bluebell became a healer, she was scared. In her entire life, she had seen so much blood, so many wounded griffixes, but despite her fear, she still decided to become a healer to help those in need. Against the red background, the flirting and fun of the young griffixes seemed to her stupid, such a worthless trifle that she was always annoyed because of their frivolity, sometimes she did not understand why they were so happy. But the older she got, the more she realized that despite all the hardships, there is a place for love and happiness in life.
When the queen and her people left them, all alone in the middle of a forest infested with bug-like creatures, her heart was broken. She was distraught. But since it was the will of her queen and ancestors, she accepted her fate. As she ran with the warriors farther and farther from home, she often looked up at the sky and looked for ways to follow the stars, and was distracted and asked them why? But the stars were silent.
Her tribesman apparently was unwavering, but their sphirixes gave their anxiety and resentment and this show is very suppressed Bluebell. The forced role of leader was not for her, but she was determined to lead her remaining tribesmen to safety. She was grateful when Pine led their small tribe and with his help they found a new home. She was glad to find peace, love, and family again.

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