TRIBE-103: Heather

Owned by MiserisYT
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive

Heather is a shy and rather skittish young Grifix. He lives in seclusion on the outskirts of the village, where he does his job as the tribe's healer. When he is not in his hut making medicine, he runs into the woods of the village to gather herbs for his medicine. Despite his job as a healer, he avoids the other Grifix most of the time. He doesn't have many friends in the tribe, but when he does meet someone, it's his best friend from childhood, Akeno. He likes to meet him, if he doesn't have to go to his job. If this is the case, he likes to talk to his Sphirix Beans.

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