TRIBE-168: Haru

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Birthday
    1st of June
  • Sexuality
  • Tokyo Ghoul
    Touka Kirishima
  • Tokyo Ghoul
    Juuzou Suzuya

It’s unknown how she ended up in the wild, but she grew up pretty much alone in the wilderness. Her personality is eccentric, creepy, her being extremely energetic, chaotic and sadistic. She has a scythe of unknown origin with rabbits sculpted on it. She sometimes refers to the scythe as the “Rabbit Federation”. She cannot wait for an opportunity to slaughter something or someone with it. Her senses seem to be strangely powerful for a grifix, being able to track things much more accurately.

She was pretty young, around 7 when Forest Fang was exiled from the Tribe and found her. He’s been acting like an older brother to her, but he still knows nothing of her past or what the “Rabbit Federation” is. He assumes she was born from other exiled grifix and somehow survived in the wild after their death. Still, it feels like the scythe has something to do with the fact that she wasn’t killed as a baby by wild animals…

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