TRIBE-170: Jadeite

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Previous rank
    Grifix of the Starfell Clan
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Sexuality
  • Attack on Titan
    Eren’s titan
  • Sailor Moon

He was a Starfell Clan grifix, living a happy and prosperous life in the tribe, back in the time of King Basmu (Drakon’s father). He had a fiancée and loved her very much. He lived comfortably and thought that nothing could harm him or break his little world. But it all ended in a few minutes.

That night, the tribe was attacked by a small pack of Timberwolves. Unlike those from the Everfree Forest, those were weak and most of the tribe remained unharmed. But still, some things went wrong. The pack attacked the tribe from the side of the camp with the Starfell Vlan in it. In the panic, a torch fell and the tents caught fire, which quickly spread around while the Grifix were busy fighting the timberwolves. He wasn’t there, but he saw his tent burning - and his fiancée was in it. Quickly, he ran there to save her, only to find a timberwolf attacking her inside the burning tent. He attacked the timberwolf, but he wasn’t trained to fight. I’m the end he managed to send it away, but he was seriously injured. He turned around to his fiancée, only to see a large part of the burning tent fall onto her, covering her. The despair and the pain from his wounds overwhelmed his body, as he crumbled to the ground, staring at the pile of fire under which his beloved fiancée was borrowed. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t save her. He could only stare as the tent slowly burned away, leaving a burnt, lifeless corpse. The heat started to burn his skin too, but he didn’t notice. He just laid there, staring in despair. 

After the things settled in the tribe, the Grifix decided to leave as soon as possible, to avoid another timberwolf attack. They looked around for the wounded, but when they saw him, burnt and not moving, they thought he was dead. They had no time to carry the dead with them so they left in a hurry, leaving him there. He was still staring, desperate for anything. He stayed there a few days, without feeling the passing of time. He didn’t even feel pain, but eventually he felt hunger. So he stood up. The pain overwhelmed him and he fell back to the ground. He looked around for his sphirix but he was nowhere to see. He couldn’t even panic because of that. He tried to crawl, but his burnt skin hurt. He tried to speak but he had no leaps. As he was starting to panic, thinking he will die there, he noticed a fresh killed squirrel lying next to him, along with some herbs. He couldn’t figure out where they came from but he ate them. Those things kept appearing next to him until he was finally able to move on his own. One day, he even figured who was bringing them.

In the meantime, his sphirix appeared again. He was happy, because even if he couldn’t speak, he could have a voice through his sphirix, even if others couldn’t hear it.

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