Profile TRIBE-171: Ryaska

Owned by kazoowary
  • Name
  • Shape
    Black Widow
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age

Her name means "duckweed" in russian

Since childhood, no one loved her, not even her own mother. She never knew parental love, so she spent time with old healers and learned a lot, not only about medicinal herbs.

As she grew older, Ryaska became more and more unsociable. She began to scare the rest of the griffins. Not much because she was really scary, but mostly because she was weird, freaky. She would never have thought that she could feel love, she never received it and had no idea what it could be. But somehow, she created an egg.

Remembering her own mother, she decided that she would not wish this on her child. But although she was not the worst mother, it seemed to her that she was not doing enough for little Forget-me-not. But Ryaska tried.

  • she has good intuition.
  • she never proclaimed herself a witch, but this nickname remained with her.
  • she likes to put on makeup.

her sweet daughter, Ryaska regrets that she had doomed her to become a prison for an evil creature.

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