TRIBE-182: Moon Gemstone (Moonstone)

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
    ~2200 yo
  • Deceased at the age of
  • Sexuality

A long time ago, when Starla’s Kingdom had to relocate, a group of grifix was left behind. Triton was one of them. The Stars tried to help them get together with the other grifix, but there was no one to hear their prophecies in that group, so they couldn’t do anything for the moment. The only way to pass on a message was by sending a soul among them. So when the first grifix was born in the newly founded tribe, she incarnated in it. She had one duty, to help them reach the Village in the Everfree. But she only found hostility among them. They hated Starla and wished for revenge. All but Triton. One day, he dared to speak, and Gemstone tried to help him convince them, she told them that she came from the stars and can guide them back to Starla, but only if they would give up all hostility. But they did not. They tried to make her speak, and tell them where Starla was but she kept her mouth shut. In the end, Triton and her got exiled.

She was just 13 at that time. The rest of her life she spent walking around with Triton. He was already pretty old, and it didn’t take that long before he died of old age.

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