TRIBE-240: Aurora Snowfeather (Snowy)

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
    Arctic Owl
  • Rank
  • Dead/Alive
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Birthday
    January 17

Snowy is Valance Oakland’s mate, Odyssey’s mother and Annelise’s mother-in-law. Snowy grew up in a family were her family didn’t really want their cubs to become big parts of the tribe such as warriors or scouts or even Starfell Clan grifix. When her father found out she wanted to become a scout he was furious, reprimanded her and telling her she was too pathetic and would never learn properly or fit in. And he told her if she ever joined the scouts she no longer could live in their tent.

Snowy wanted to be her own self, packing up her things and telling her father she will do what her heart desired, her mother watching in the background as her father just stood with a scowl on his face as Snowy left their tent and went to join the scouts.

Once Snowy was in the scouts she was one of the ones that had a very hard time learning, messing up a lot and not really doing well. She was heartbroken as she started to think her father was right about her, not fitting in with the scouts and being bad at everything.. but that all changed for her after she met a grifix she didn’t know she would end up being lovers with him.

During a training session when she got older and was in her teenage years, the captain of the scouts started yelling at her and telling her to work harder and start using her brain more often out in the field. After all the other scouts left and she was all alone, she began to cry behind her mask, falling down and crying and throwing her mask on the ground before she heard a rustling of leaves behind her in the distance. That was one good thing about her, she had extremely good hearing. She turned her head and suddenly saw a dark hooded figure in some trees, getting up and she started to walk closer but suddenly the figure disappeared into the shadows and ran away. Who was this grifix?

This Grifix kept coming back everyday, Snowy being confused and always looking over at the grifix and wondering why he was watching her. She kept trying to approach him at the end of each training session but he kept running away. One night she finally got the courage to speak up.

Snowy approached the hooded grifix who tried to run away but she spoke and asked him why he kept watching her, seeing he didn’t speak, seeing him get a notepad and start write stuff down for her and telling her he’s watched and saw the captain didn’t like her very much, Snowy about to say bad things about her stuff before he stopped her and wrote down that he would teach her everything he knew, Snowy unsure if this was a good idea but she went along with it.

Every night after the training sessions for the Scouts, the male grifix came out of the shadows and taught Snowy something new, better ways to find new landmarks, but mostly ways to defend herself from enemies. But one thing still remained.. she didn’t know his name and he also never took his mask off. So she asked a few days after, seeing him write his name down as Valence Oakland.

The two continued to train, Oak going and using signals with his paws and swift movements as signs for her to try and attack him or do what he wanted her to do to learn. Teaching her everything he knew about sneaking around and fighting.

One night the two came together and did a sparring session to see how well she progressed throughout their training sessions, and Snowy beat Oak, accidentally scratching him and making him bleed. Snowy got upset at herself, apologizing to him so much before he went and got up and walked over to her, going and sitting down beside her and using his paw to lift her head, finally speaking to her saying. “You’ve come so far.. I’m so proud of you.”

Him speaking spooked her, unsure what to say as they sat there and he took his mask off, finally revealing his true face as Snowy started to fall for him, and she didn’t know he had been falling for her ever since they first spoke to each other.

Oak told Snowy she is the only one who’s ever heard him speak, and she will only ever be the one to know his voice. He also confessed to her that night that he liked her and asked her to be his mate.. and of course she said yes. The two being together ever since.

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