TRIBE-279: Safara

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive
  • Birthday
    November 18 (Bear Period)
  • Nickname

Safara is a cub with no parents, her parents were killed in a rockslide near a gorge where the tribe had set up camp for a while after traveling. She had witnessed there death and feels like it’s her fault they passed away. Now she feels left out from all the other cubs because they have parents unlike her, so most of the time during play sessions she sits with her mask on and cries, wishing she had parents again.

Older Version if a design is made
When Safara grew up she got her bear mask after she saw her sphirix. She didn’t know where she would fit in in the tribe so she decided to go and become an outcast of the healers, always being silent except for when they brought sick or injured grifix to her. But when she was being trained by the fire mentor, she kept messing up, feeling horrible as she almost killed a grifix on accident. She ran away and hid in her tent for a week, not coming out but only to get food and water.
When she returned to the fire mentor, she kept apologizing for what she had almost done, wanting to learn more so she wouldn’t mess up again. So she learned and became a very well known fire healer.

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