TRIBE-309: Draconis

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive
  • Birthday
    19th of May
  • Nickname
    Draco, Conis

Draconis takes pride in his work and devotes himself to the maiden. He sometimes freaks out when someone messes up his clothes, he loves his outfit dearly. He is quite stubborn at times but he also is very nice. He likes to watch the Maiden’s personal maids do their duties, wishing one day he could meet the Maiden with masks because he thinks she sounds very sweet and kind. He also is very brave, defending others if he has to. His main job is to collect goods for the personal maids and bring them to them, as well as tend to the small grifixes which he loves, being very good with the cubs. He’s very good friends with Carina and Flamepelt, but wishes he could see other males as friends as well. His Sphirix is very shy, even for a hyena Sphirix. But can definitely scare others if he has to or is scared of something.